meet my new toy
brank spankin new pearl 14x3.5 free floating snare!
an early bday/xmas gift from the gf.
i originally wanted to get a chad smith sig but after testing it, found it to be too simple sounding. the chad sounds good but you get the same sound whether you tune it high, medium or low. the high tuning is exceptional but i find its consistency as its weakness. cant get a low fat warm tuning out of it no matter what.
i also tried the joey jordison, its a nice snare to. the sound is fat, full bodied and has a nice crack. it doesnt live up to the "power piccolo" description since it doesnt sound like a piccolo at all, it cant produce a high pitched crack common to real piccolos.
the free floater is the best compromise between the chad and joey. it cracks like the chad and has body like the joey. best of all, its the cheapest of the three! it managed to save me 6k more for the sensitone classic 2 i've been eyeing on
thanks to jp of yupangco for letting me test drive these fine snares =)